#2 Radio Alma – French audio only
June 21, 2017

I had the pleasure to be invited at Radio Alma – La fréquence méditerranéenne
de Bruxelles 101.9FM – to talk about my upcoming trip, and the people I want to support.


in chronological order:

Irene Quintela
Stijn Van Parys
Sandra Sanoguera
Thibaud Vidal

Thank you guys for the great experience at your radio station! Post-journey interview one year from now? 

Radio Alma interview

Radio Alma – French audio onlyI had the pleasure to be invited at Radio Alma – La fréquence méditerranéennede Bruxelles 101.9FM – to talk about my upcoming trip.http://www.radioalma.be/in chronological order:Irene QuintelaStijn Van ParysSandra SanogueraThibaud VidalThank you guys for the great experience at your radio station! Post-journey interview one year from now? 😉

Posted by Road to Cape Town on Wednesday, June 21, 2017